Sailing by Iwo Jima

In the spring of 1966, the Fifth Marine Division was activated for service in Vietnam. Specifically, the 26th Regiment.

The 1st Battalion departed from San Diego aboard the LPH Iwo Jima along with the Vancouver and Thomaston. After leaving Hawaii, we were told that we would be sailing by the island of Iwo Jima to honor and pay tribute to the Marines who fought in that tremendous battle. Of course, the 26th Regiment had been a major part of securing the island 21 years prior.

On 24 July 1966, we assembled on the flight deck of the ship. Soon the tiny island came into view. I already knew that it was not very big, but to actually see it amazed me. I wondered how did all those Marines and Japanese fit on it?

It was heartbreaking to realize that over 7,000 Marines had made the ultimate sacrifice in that battle. I was in awe.

I looked at Mt. Suribachi and tried to visualize the sight of the flag being raised. That must have been an inspiring sight for those aboard the ships. We rendered a hand salute as the ship’s band played the Marine Corps Hymn. I got a chill and tears came to my eyes. What an experience indeed! We all knew that we had some mighty big boots to fill. History shows that we did just that.

We are very proud to have carried the legacy of the Fifth Marine Division!

Semper Fi!!!

-Bill Baumann

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