The Fifth Marine Division Association is grateful to the amazing people who continue to serve our mission. These volunteers ensure the Legacy of the Spearhead remains intact for future generations.

Board of Directors

Bonnie Haynes
John Butler
Valerie Leman
Bruce Hammond
Rita Christiansen
Tom Huffhines
Sabre Middlekauf

Honorary Trustees
Bill Rockey
Penny Pauletto

Team Members

Tom Huffhines, Database Manager
Hal Campbell , Parliamentarian
James Sargent, Legal Counsel
John Butler, Historian
Valerie Leman, Membership
Dan King, War Souvenirs
Doug Meny, Website
Leonardo Flores, Photographer
John Witten, Videographer
Kath Butler, Newsletter Editor
Kath Butler, Reunion Journal
Ray Elliot, PR and Advertising
Craig Painton, Facebook Admin

Officers and Leadership

Skip Werthmuller, President
Bill Baumann, Vice President
Valerie Leman, Secretary
Jody Snodgrass, Treasurer
Morey Butler, Sergeant At Arms
Alfredo Cooke, Fundraising

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